Bite-Sized Parenting: Best Parenting Books For Newborns

Bite-Sized Parenting: Best Parenting Books For Newborns
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The blessing of a baby brings joy and excitement to parents. Many put in much time and effort to get ready for their newborn. Parenting books for newborns, or more specifically parents with newbons, are one of the best ways to get ready not just physically but emotionally.

How should you care for the newborn?

What’s the waking and feeding pattern of a newborn like? (Spoiler alert: There is no fixed pattern.)

What do newborns need?

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Here are some parenting books for newborns popular with first-time parents who wish to find out more about – being parents!

Parenting Books for Newborns

What To Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff

What To Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff

This go-to “parenting manual” has been circulating for decades and for good reason. Like the rest of the books in its series, “What To Expect The First Year” guides parents on practical tips and advice such as baby care fundamentals, attachment parenting, sleep-training, potty learning, baby-led weaning and green parenting.

Purchase it here.

The Baby Owner’s Manual by Louis and Joe Borgenicht

The Baby Owner’s Manual by Louis and Joe Borgenicht

Love infographics, diagrams will ease your parenting journey a little as this manual. It answers many frequently asked questions – best way to swaddle, sleeping through the night and more. This book is an easy one to digest, while it’s less like an encyclopedia, it gets you up to speed with basic baby care techniques.

Get saavy here.

The Baby Book, Everything You Need To Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two by William, Matha, Robert, James Sears

The Baby Book, Everything You Need To Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two by William, Matha, Robert, James Sears

Sears – the name synonymous with parenting guides, and of course there is a book. As medical professionals and parents, the Searses have a very comprehensive book on essential needs of babies: eating, sleeping, pooping, playing, feeding, soothing.

The Baby Book offers practical and contemporary approach to parenting. Purchase it here.

Parenting Books On Sleep Training Newborns

Sleep training is often a controversial subject, as some believe in its ludricousness while others embrace it whole-heartedly.

You may wish to read our interview with a sleep expert to hear what she had to say on the subject.

I myself sleep-trained my firstborn as I believe in having helpful yet flexible routines to establish a rhythm for the family. Helping the baby settle into a predictable routine often means a calmer baby and less anxious atmosphere.  

Here are some parenting books on sleep training.

Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber

Parenting Books On Sleep Training Newborns

The Ferber method has been gaining in popularity, it is a sleep-training strategy developed by Richard Ferber a pediatrician and director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Children’s Hospital Boston. It is designed to help babies learn to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own if they wake.

The book also covers sleep topics such as bedtime difficulties, nighttime wakings, strategies for naps, sleep schedule abnormalities, sleep terrors, bed-wetting and others.

Purchase the book here.

The Happiest Baby On The Block By Harvey Karp

The Happiest Baby On The Block By Harvey Karp

Who doesn’t want a happy baby! Dr Harvey Karp’s techniques are all about soothing babies and increasing sleep. The method is based on four concepts: The Fourth Trimester, The Calming Reflex, The 5 S and The Cuddle Cure.

Any fussy infant can be the happiest baby on the block!

Purchase the book here

Useful Books for the Parenting Journey

We hope that these books provide you with some help on the parenting journey. These parenting books for newborns also make great gifts for new parents. 

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