The Crane Dance at Resorts World Sentosa is light-and-water show that takes place along the Waterfront. The mesmerising show features two mechanical cranes choreographed to stirring music and a sea of colour on the water.
READ: Crane Dance at RWS Sentosa to Close 1 March 2020
Audiences will be amazed to watch these heavy metal cranes moving around gracefully like light-footed dancers. Through the clever use of water jets and lighting effects, it is easy to forget that you are watching little more than two pieces of mechanical equipment moving around in sync with each other.
Best of all, the show has an spellbinding storyline that is sure to leave audiences walking away with a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Here are five useful things that you should know about the amazing Crane Dance show at Resorts World Sentosa.
1. Crane Dance Timings
The Crane Dance takes place every evening. Currently, the show starts at 8 pm. It is best to arrive about 10 minutes earlier (or even earlier depending on whether it is peak season or not) to find a seat. Occasionally, show timings may change or it undergoes maintenance. You can check for updates on the Crane Dance performance schedule from here.
2. Crane Dance Admission Price
The Crane Dance show is FREE! You just need to make your way to the Sentosa waterfront at Resorts World Sentosa facing VivoCity and settle down for the performance. Of course, normal Sentosa Island admission charges still apply.
3. Crane Dance Duration
How long is the show? Only 10 minutes. But it is amazing what an enthralling love story can be told in that short time. The water show one of our favourite (and free) ways to end off a day at Sentosa.
4. Open Air Seating
The seating area for the Crane Dance is open air and situated on some steps that overlook the water. That means that if it rains or drizzle, you may not be able to catch the show.
5. Involves a Small Pyrotechnic Display
The show features some fireworks together the end. Those with young children may wish to prep them for the pyro in advance.
Crane Dance at Resorts World Sentosa
Location: RWS Waterfront