50+ Elephant Jokes That Will Get Your Laughing A Ton

50+ Elephant Jokes That Will Get Your Laughing A Ton
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Elephants are unusual creatures. Not only are they the largest land animals on Earth, growing to over 10 feet tall, they also have long, flexible trunks and large ears. These unique characteristics makes they fun and interesting subjects for a ton of elephant jokes that will get you laughing. 

Here are some silly elephant jokes to tickle your funny bone. 

Funny Elephant Jokes That’ll Get You Laughing

Funny Elephant Jokes That'll Get You Laughing

1. How do elephants talk to each other while on the move?
With their ele-phones!

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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2. What was the elephant doing on the road?
About 3 kmh.

3. How do elephants stay cool in the summer?
By turning on the ear conditioning!

4. What do you call an elephant that laughs non-stop?
An e-laugh-ant.

5.How do you know that an elephant has been using your computer?
When the font is set to ella font.

6. Why are elephants bad dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

7. What is the best way to get down from an elephant?
You can’t. You get down from a goose.

8. What happens when you cross a fish with an elephant?
Swimming trunks.

9. What always goes down but never goes up?
An elephant in an elevator.

10. What do you call an elephant that won’t share with others?

11. Why did the elephant flap its ears? 
Because it was its biggest fan.

12.Why do elephant like trees?
Because they both have trunks!

13. What happened to the the elephant that was feeling light-headed?
It ele-fainted.

14. What did the elephant receive at Christmas?
A trunk full of presents.

15. What did the boy elephant say to the girl elephant?
I love you a ton.

16. Why do elephants have trunks?
So they have somewhere to keep their peanuts.

17. Why do elephants have trunks?
Because they couldn’t a handbag to match their shade of gray.

18. What is as large as an elephant and covered in red spots?
An elephant with chickenpox.

19. How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed?
Your nose is touching the ceiling.

20. What does an elephant do to relax?
Watch ele-vision.

Silly Elephant Jokes for a Laugh

Silly Elephant Jokes for a Laugh

Elephants are renowned for having extraordinary intelligence; some studies indicate that they are on par with dolphins in intelligence. As incredibly intelligent animals, perhaps elephants would also be able to enjoy humorous elephant jokes too! 

21. What is an elephant’s favourite racquet sport?

22. What do you do with a blue elephant?
Tell it silly elephant jokes to cheer it up.

23. What’s the best way to raise a baby elephant?
With a crane.

24. Why are elephants so wrinkly?
Because it takes too long to iron them.

25. What animal is always up for a swim?
Elephants, because they always have their trunks with them.

26. What do you call a baby elephant?
An Ele-infant.

27. What wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?

28. Why did the police pull over the elephant?
It ran the stomp sign.

29. How do you keep an elephant from charging too much?
Take away its credit cards.

30. What role did the elephant play in favourite Star Wars?
The Tuskan Raider.

31. What is the biggest ant in the world?
An eleph-ant.

32. What time is it when an elephant sits on your car?
Time to get a new car.

33. Why are elephants afraid of computers?
Because of all the mice.

34. Why did the elephant cross the road?
He was following the chicken.

35. Why do elephants drink so much?
To try to forget.

36. What’s blue and has big ears?
An elephant at the Arctic Circle.

37. Why didn’t the elephant like playing cards with the other animals?
Because there were too many cheetahs.

38. Why did the elephants get asked to leave the pool?
Because their trunks kept falling down.

39. Why are elephants always broke?
Because they work for peanuts.

40. Why do elephants have trunks?
So they have somewhere to hide when they see a mouse.

More Elephant Jokes

More Elephant Jokes

Elephants use their trunks to play and interact with each other, which is a humorous trait. They have also been known to playfully grab each other’s tails or trunks, tickle one another, or even stage mock fights using their trunks. This makes us think that they would definitely enjoy elephant jokes too!  

41. What is really big, green and has a trunk.
An elephant that isn’t ripe yet.

42. What do you call an elephant that hates bathing?
A smelly-phant.

43. What is an elephant’s favourite plane?
A Dumbo jet.

44. What’s big, gray and makes music?
An elephant marching band.

45. What’s as large as an elephant but weighs nothing?
An elephant’s shadow.

46. What did the elephant say to her kid when he misbehaved?
“Tusk, tusk.”

47. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?
He called the tow truck.

48. Why couldn’t the elephant take the train?
Because its trunk wouldn’t fit under the seat.

49. Why don’t elephants ride bicycles?
Because they don’t have thumbs to ring the bell.

50. Why did the baby elephant need to borrow a bag? 
Because it only had a small trunk. 

51. Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they’re so good at doing so.

52. What do you call an elephant in a phone booth?

53. What happens when you cross an elephant with a rabbit?
You get an hare-lephant.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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