#FFLShareTheCare Series: Families For Life Council’s Online Programming For The Families In April And May

#FFLShareTheCare Series is now available
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As we enter into a time of work-from-home and home-based learning during the circuit breaker period, a silver lining to look out for is the increase in opportunities for families to come out of this stronger together. To support families during this time, Families for Life Council will be launching the #FFLShareTheCare Series to help parents and children stay at home and meaningfully engaged in April and May 2020.

#FFLShareTheCare Series: Families For Life Programming in April and May

The #FFLShareTheCare Series is a daily line up of online, interactive programming via their Facebook page. There are two parts to this series: #AskFFL and #FriendsofFFLShare.

#AskFFL is a Facebook Live series where parents will have the opportunity to pose questions on a wide range of topics to doctors and experts. There will be a wide range of topics covered, such as keeping the family safe, nutrition tips, caring for newborns, mental health and wellbeing and helping children and teenager understand COVID-19. Couples can also pick up tips on strengthening their emotional connectedness during this time.

The first #AskFFL session is scheduled from Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 7 pm to 8 pm on Facebook Live. This first topic will be on Confinement: Practices & Myths and feature Dr Shefaly Shorey. Other topics which experts will be discussion over the coming weeks include conflict management with teens, foods to boost your immunity and things to do at home keep your mental health.

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#FFLShareTheCare Series: Families For Life Programming in April and MayThe #FriendsofFFLShare video series is a way for parents to engage their children in some light-hearted and engaging content. Friends of FFL volunteers will be presenting content such as interactive storytelling and even conducting live art jamming sessions!

The first #FriendsofFFLShare session will be a creative storytelling time on Thursday, 9 April at 2 pm entitled Stories at Pebble Place. Other programmes lined up including drawing sessions and shows by a pair of 6- and 7-year old siblings, Zach and Sara Edwards, who will share tips on simple activities that children can do at home.

The full list and schedule of updated times and subjects can be found on the Families For Life website.

READ: The Big List of Stay-at-Home Resources for Children and Families



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