New Children’s Science Centre Receives $3.5 million in Sponsorships

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The Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), LEGO Education and Tote Board, announced sponsorships, amounting to $3.5 million, for the new science centre for children, KidsSTOP.

Sponsorships from the four organisations will go toward the development of activities and programmes for various zones at the new Centre. BCA will be funding the Centre’s Built Environment Zone, CAAS will be supporting the Flight and Space Zone and LEGO Education contributing toward a Robo Robo Club. The Tote Board’s funding will be applied to KidsSTOP and its programmes in general.

Speaking at the cheque presentation ceremony at the Science Centre Singapore on Tuesday, 18 February, Mr Lam Siew Wah, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Industry Development), BCA, noted that this is the BCA’s first time sponsoring a permanent exhibition space related to the built environment. Expressing the significance of BCA’s involvement in KidsSTOP, Mr Lam said, “Through this project, children can experience the fun of building, and imagine how science and technology can help create an exciting, interesting and sustainable built environment for people of all ages. BCA is pleased to be a partner in this.”

Commenting on their sponsorship of the Flight and Space Zone, Mr Yap Ong Heng, Director-General, CAAS, said, “Our wish is that not only will our young be inspired to imagine, experience, discover and dream the wonders of flight, but also develop an interest in aviation and the opportunities it enables.”

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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Science Centre Singapore’s Chairman Ms Tan Yen Yen receiving a cheque from Director-General, CAAS, Mr Yap Ong Heng.

Slated to open on 5 June 2014, KidsSTOP is a science centre for children between 18 months and 8 years old. It will be housed at Science Centre Singapore’s Omni-theatre Building and is expected to cost a total of $10 million.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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