We Singaporeans are obviously a creative bunch.
Suddenly, the water cooler conversation turned to where you can find air purifiers and N95 masks. At the same time, grassroots efforts such as SG Haze Rescue have sprung up, showing off the best of Singapore.
As a result of the haze, MOE has informed schools to stop all school activities for the rest of June, many outdoor events have been suspended and some places are closed. Even our own “Snap Your Little Day Out” contest in the parks has been put on hold, while Elle continues her residency at Food For Thought. All we can do is to cast our votes and enjoy the photos submitted earlier, and wish for blue skies again.
It is certainly best for young children to stay indoors during this period. So this week, we bring you some ideas on what to do at home as well as news on things coming up. Happy reading and hope you have a great Little Day In!