“Singapore needs to celebrate Science,” said Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng, Chief Executive of Science Centre Singapore.
With the tagline ‘Science is Fun’, the Singapore Science Festival 2013 promises to celebrate science by making it interesting and relevant to everyday life.
This year’s Singapore Science Festival is set to be the largest since it first started in 2001. Through fun and exciting events and activities, the world of science will be thrown into the spotlight during the Festival’s two weeks from 19 July to 4 August.
It is also making efforts to be even more accessible to the public by holding core events such as the Singapore Buskers Festival and Singapore Mini Maker Faire in town. This will provide greater opportunity for the public to interact with the scientific community and gain a better understanding of the importance of science.
The events under the Singapore Science Festival target a wide audiences from primary school pupils to junior college students. While many events are targeted at older students, there are also many events and activities that families with younger children can enjoy.
The Festival will kick off with X-periment!, a weekend science carnival being held from 19 to 21 July that will provide kids and families a chance to view and interact with science through fun, hands-on experiments.
Held at Marina Square, the 22-booth exhibition aims to “bring science to the public” and provide insight into how science can be both fun and engaging.
Not your usual LEGO kit: SIT-UOG students will be displaying their hi-tech LEGO creations at X-periment!
One highlight of the carnival is the Entertaining Science Circus Show presented by Dr Ken Farquahar. As a professional science presenter, Dr Farquahar will unwrap the science behind the circus through interactive performances. Drawing on his past experience as a street performer, school teacher and television presenter, Dr Farquaher who has been finding quirky ways to present science since 1996 aims to help audiences to see the connection between science and the everyday, and to even inspire them to “go home and try that”.
Click here for more information.
Dr Ken Farquaher demonstrates altenative uses for a food blender.
Singapore Mini Maker Faire
The Singapore Mini Maker Faire will be held from 27 to 28 July at *SCAPE Warehouse. Part of the the international Maker Movement that encompasses the technology-influenced DIY community, get to meet the inventors and their inventions at this event that celebrates creative, whacky and fun ideas.
Click here for more information.
Mr Kiki Tay and his amazing LED jacket!
Science Buskers Festival
Taking place at the same time as the Singapore Mini Maker Faire is the Science Buskers Festival. Competitors will vie for “busker’s dollars” from the public as they seek to entertain and educate while sharing their passion for science.
Click here for more information.
Agilent’s Science-in-a-Box
At the Agilent’s Science-in-a-Box workshops, each participant receives a neatly packed box that comes filled with all that is needed for their very own projects. By assembling these kits, children can learn about science in a fun way and even take home what they have created. There are three workshops to choose from – Newton’s Rocket Car, a balloon-powered car based on Newton’s third law of motion, a periscope construction kit and Animated Movies, where participants will build a praxinoscope and view their own moving pictures. This is suitable for children between 9 and 13 years old.
Here is more information on Animated Movies!, Newton’s Rocket Car!, Periscopes!
Uncover science in fun way with Agilent’s Science-in-a-Box.
Genefest 2013
With the theme “Around the World”, Genefest 2013 includes an interactive trail that covers four destinations – Britain, USA, Singapore and South Africa – through interactive stations. At each station, guides will be on hand to help young investigators complete their “Around the World” passport. Students can also take part in a separate hands-on workshop where they will use DNA testing to solve an Egyptian mummy mystery.
Click here for more information.
Go CSI at Genefest 2013.
International Science Show
Be entertained by performers from the Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore carry out experiments at the Science Centre’s Annexe Hall 1. Entry fees apply.
Click here for more information.
Ninja Science Labo 2013: Make Your Own Luminous Light
For children between nine and 12 years old, learn how chemical reactions can create luminous light and all about the “three primary colours of light”. Fees apply.
Click here for more information.
Honourable Mention: Science Street Fair
Originally scheduled to take place within the two weeks of the Singapore Science Festival, the Science Street Fair has been rescheduled to 8 to 11 November 2013. Keep a look out for this event where the Science Centre gets transformed into a fairground filled with games stalls and shows.