Jem Play Playground: Netted Playground In The West

Jem Playground - Jem Play
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The Jem playground, also known as Jem Play Playground offers kids a play spot on the fifth floor of the Jurong mall. 

At one time, the Jem Play playground consisted of mudskipper-themed play sculptures. It was then renovated into a netted playground in 2018. 

Jem Playground: A Netted Time at Jem

Netted Bridge at Jem Play Playground

The Jem Play Playground is an orange and yellow, bespoke netted playground.

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The Jem playground has a structure that is broadly made up of three hexagonal-shaped sections, juxtaposed next to each other. These give it the appearance of a honeycomb that kids can make their way through.

Two of these hexagons at the Jem playground are connected by a netted bridge.

Kids can enter the netted play area from an entranceway at one of the hexagonal shapes, clamour up the netted bridge and make their wa across the netted passageway to the other side.

Seats and Climbing Structure at Jem Play Playground

There are also triangular-shaped rubber hammock that play dual-purposes: as stepping stones or hanging seats for kids to play on.

Jem Play Playground are hexagonal rubber trampolines

A feature of the Jem Play Playground are hexagonal rubber trampolines, sunk into the ground.

They provide kids with a way to bounce about and expend some energy by catching some “airtime”. One was under maintenance when we visited in January 2024.

Tunnel at Jem Play Playground

From jumping in the air to climbing through the ground, the Jem Play Playground also has a short little tunnel that little ones can scramble through.

Here, they can imagine they are little creatures scurrying through the ground.

play panels for younger kids

There are some play panels for younger kids along the glass wall of the food court.

In a corner of the playground is a separate netted tunnel. Unfortunately, it was under maintenance as of January 2024.

Mudskippers at Jem Park

What happened to the old mudskipper water play structures that used to be found at the Jem playground, you may wonder?

You can still find this remnant of the past at the Jem rooftop park. The pair of mudskippers sculptures can be found one floor above the Jem Play Playground.

Jem Play Playground

The Jem Play Playground is open from 10 am to 10 pm, daily. Admission is free.

Jem Play Shopping Mall Playground

Address: 5th floor, 50 Jurong Gateway Road, Singapore 608549

CHECK OUT: The neighbouring Westgate Wonderland children’s playground.

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