Icenoie Hokkaido Honey Soft Serve: Sweet Treat At Don Don Donki, City Square Mall

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[Update 2021: This establishment is no longer located at City Square Mall.]

Get a sweet treat, fresh from the hive, with Icenoie Hokkaido’s Honey Soft Serve, now available at the Don Don Donki, City Square Mall outlet!

Icenoie Hokkaido Honey Soft Serve Ice Cream

Keeping the high quality raw milk used in Icenoie Hokkaido soft serve, this special edition ice cream comes with a DIY (drip it yourself) honey dropper as well as edible flowers from Japan.

Ingredients for Honey Soft Serve at Don Don Donki City Square MallThe sweet golden honey used in the ice cream is collected from the acacia flower which blooms only 10 days in a year in Yoichi City, Hokkaido. Only honey harvested from the Sunagawa Orchard, which won the “Eco-Farmer” certification, awarded to farms who make minimal use of chemical fertilisers and synthetic pesticides.

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To keep it in its purest form, the honey is unpasteurised.

Putting on the final touches to the ice creamWe got to have a taste of the Icenoie Hokkaido honey soft serve for ourselves.

Honey Soft Serve Ice CreamAs always, the ice cream with the colourful edible flowers were too pretty for us to eat without taking a picture first.

The soft serve had an icy texture and started to melt very quick. As much as we wanted to savour it slowly, we had to consume it quickly.

However, we liked that the ice cream was not too sweet; it was a perfect base for the light, almost floral honey that we drizzled on top. The edible flowers didn’t taste like much, but provided a novel touch to this creamy sweet dessert.

Icenoie Hokkaido Honey Soft Serve Ice CreamThe Honey Soft Serve is available only at City Square Mall, Basement 2 within Don Don Donki in celebration of Icenoie Hokkaido’s first anniversary at the location.

READ: Don Don Donki Jem – New Outlet in the West of Singapore 

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