Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden At East Coast Park: Simple Fun With Nature

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It is nice to see the trend in Singapore towards biophilic play spots. The latest of these nature spots is the Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden at East Coast Park Area D.

The compact Nature Playgarden is only about 500 square metres but that is sufficient for children to have some fun reconnecting with nature. It has been designed around the concept of “Biophilia” – the emotional connection between humans and nature.

Features at Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden

Come and play at the Cyclist Park Nature Playground East Coast Park

There are logs and boulders where kids can spend timing practising their balancing skills as they climb, balance or jump over the logs.

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Walking Trail

Wooden stumps act as walking trails that lead around the playgarden.

1.5 metre tall mini climbing wall

A distinctive feature of Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden is a 1.5 metre tall mini climbing wall. This has been made by attaching climbing holds into a log. It is the first such climbing wall amongst the nature playgardens around Singapore.

Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden Features

The logs used at the Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden are upcycled from salvaged wood of trees like the Sengal Mahogany, Broad-leafed Mahogany, Ceylon Rosewood and the Rain Tree.


Plant species at the nature playgarden include Ixora shrubs, Leopard Flowers and Rose Periwinkles. These have been selected for their interesting shapes, textures and colours and are intended engage the senses of the children who encounter them in the garden.

Play at the East Coast Nature Playgarden

The Cyclist Park Nature Playgarden is recommended for children between the ages of 3 to 12 years old.

Reconnecting Childhood with Nature

Obstacle Course, East Coast Park
Biophilic play elements at Raintree Cove

It is the second nature play spot with biophilic features at East Coast Park. Nature-based play elements can also be found at the nearby Raintree Cove.

Other parks in Singapore with biophilic play features include HortPark, Jurong Lake Garden and Jubilee Park.


Cyclist Park is a new hub along East Coast Park. It features two cycling courses for riders of different skill levels. Other amenities at Cyclist Park include eateries and a convenience store. It is also a stop along the Round Island Route.

It can be found at Area D, opposite Mandarin Gardens. It occupies the site of the former UDMC / Goldkist Chalets. The closest car parks are D3 and D4.

READ: Nature Playgrounds in Singapore – Connecting with Nature

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