Casa Clementi Playground: Gondola, Rope Bridge & Boats

Casa Clementi Fort
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Casa Clementi playground, located at the rooftop of the multi-storey car park, offers two different play areas – one for kids who wish to have some fun with a movable gondola and and another with a boat-themed playground.

Casa Clementi Playground: Gondola, Rope Bridge and Climbing Wall

The two Casa Clementi Playgrounds are located at two separate ends of the long multi-storey car park.

Casa Clementi Playground: Gondola, Rope Bridge and Climbing Wall

Closer to the Clementi Road end, the playground features a movable gondola where kids can turn a crank to move the little platform around.

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Casa Clementi Fort

Also at the this Casa Clementi playground is a wooden-looking structure which looks like a little wooden fort. There are various climbing grips on the inside of the playground and kids can practise their dexterity skills.

Rope Bridge

There is also a rope bridge which leads to a mound.


The playground also has a set of interesting-looking curved shapes. This is close to a toddler sized hut which includes a pair of blue slides.

Blue plastic tunnels

A set of blue plastic tunnels can also be found behind the hut and platform.

Sailboat-themed Playground

Sailboat-themed Playground

At the other end of the rooftop garden is the second Casa Clementi playground. This is a more stereotypical playground but it does feature a variety of play areas fashioned to look like sailboats.

Play area at Casa Clementi

One feature at this playground is a little play platform and another tower which kids can climb.

Casa Clementi’s playgrounds offer a bit of simple fun for kids who live in the neighbourhood. They offer contrasting play opportunities at the Clementi estate’s rooftop garden.

You may also enjoy reading about the playgrounds at Clementi Peaks, across the road from Casa Clementi.

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