Kinetic Garden: Science Playground With Exhibits To Experience

kinetic garden science centre
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Discover the amazing world of science while having fun at the Kinetic Garden, just outside the main building of Science Centre Singapore. It has many Science-centric exhibits to explore, plus playground elements like slides and a trampoline!

Science Playground

This unique outdoor playground holds various exhibits and elements which allow children to have fun while learning various principles of science. Many may not even notice the science playground while excitedly on their way to Science Centre Singapore.

Open to the elements, the Kinetic Garden may look a bit weathered but it is still an interesting place to visit with kids. It is designed to allow children to learn about the inter-relationship between different forms of energy and more.

The Kinetic Garden stretches from Jurong Town Hall Road to the entrances of Science Centre Singapore and KIDSSTOP. For those commuting via public transport, you would first come to the public open space, open 24-7. 

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There are a few exhibits here worth taking a look. The four sculptural trees at Prelude to Arcadia look like Christmas trees with colourful leaves. Passers-by and visitors should walk beneath the canopy as the colours of the leaves change in response to the light reflecting from the sun. 

science centre trees

There are two ball machines sitting next to each other that incorporate icons and elements of Science Centre Singapore. Simply give a wave or turn the wheel to influence the movement of the balls. 

science centre

Speak or sing to the grey sculpture and listen to the colourful horns respond to you. Vox PopulAI brings together sound, sculpture and artificial technology. Right next to the horn is a set of slides. Slide down right to the Kinetic Garden to continue the learning journey. 

slides science centre

Here are some of the highlights of Kinetic Garden. 

Found right next to the entrance to Science Centre Singapore is the Echo Tube. Speak into it and hear the echoes. Try speaking continuously and see how long the echoes take to subside. 

science centre echo tube

Find the Hydraulophone. Try blocking the waterjets to see what sounds are made and play some music. 

hydraulophone science centre


Magic Swing - Kinetic Garden, Science Centre Singapore

At the Magic Swing, the seat of the swing is connected to a large pendulum. This allows for the transfer of energy from the swing to the pendulum and vice versa. Kids can try this out for themselves, kicking off the swing and waiting to see what happens next.

Lift the Metal Block

At the Lift the Metal Block exhibit, kids can try to lift up a 200 kg weight, something which may seem impossible without the use of levers.

Hoist yourself

Another exhibit also demonstrates how pulleys can be used to enable a person sitting in the chair can hoist themselves upwards.

Temperature Tunnels

How about heat energy? There are a set of huge pipes known as the Temperature Tunnels which are painted in different colours. Kids can duck inside to investigate for themselves how the various colours have an impact on the temperature inside the pipes.

Trampoline - Science Playground in Singapore

And as it is a Kinetic Garden, it is also a great reason to have a trampoline for kids to bounce upon as well.

What Else to See & Do at Kinetic Garden, Science Centre Singapore: Illusions, Sound, Sculptures, Time Capsule

In addition to these energy exhibits, the Kinetic Garden at Science Centre Singapore also has various optical illusions.

What Else to See & Do at Kinetic Garden, Science Centre Singapore: Illusions, Sound, Sculptures, Time Capsule

Try out a pair of chairs which will “trick the eye” by making one person look humongous compared to the other.

Peer through the hole to make sense of the random steel bars ahead. What do you see now? This is an example of forced-perspective art. 

Science centre chair

oscillating beam optical sculpture

Or view an oscillating beam optical sculpture.

musical play elements

There are also some musical play elements at the science playground and a
“no left turn” finger maze too.

There is a gigantic Sundial. If you ever wondered how people tell time without using watches, the sundial would give you the answer. Can you figure out what time it is?

sundial science centre

Want to experience spinning like a ice-skater or ballerina. Go on the Fireball and push off!

fireball science centre

See if you can locate the geodesic dome, on the dome are 12 constellations of the zodiac. 

science centre dome

Find the Roll-Up Ball. Is it really defying gravity as it rolls? 

roll up ball

What is one easy way to collect water from the river? Find the Archimedes’s Screw, it was not actually invented by Archimedes.

Science Centre Singapore time capsule

Other sights at the Kinetic Garden include a time capsule which is next due to be open in 2027 for Science Centre Singapore’s 50th anniversary.

The Science Centre Singapore Kinetic Garden is open from 10 am to 6 pm.

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