Fort Siloso is both an interesting and an intriguing place to visit. Its old structures and the history which dates back to the 19th century and wormholes of tunnels make it a fascinating to explore.
To amp up the experience, Sentosa is now offering a Fort Siloso Night Experience, a tour that will allow visitors to see Singapore’s only preserved coastal fort in new light.
Lantern-Lit Fort Siloso Night Experience
The Fort Siloso Night Experience is a one-and-a-half-hour tour where a group of ten will be taken around the colonial era fort by the light of a kerosene lamp.
Expect the atmosphere to be completely different from when you visit the fort in the daytime.
The tour will be held every alternate Friday evening starting from 10 September till November. There are a total of six sessions scheduled: 10 September, 24 September, 8 October, 22 October, 5 November and 19 November 2021.
There will be two sessions each evening. The first session is from 7 pm to 8.30 pm and the second session is from 8.30 pm to 10 pm.
The price is $15 per person, inclusive of a $15 Southside F&B voucher.
More Activities & Programmes at Sentosa
The Fort Siloso Night Experience is one of several new experiences which Sentosa is organising. Other activities include art painting, ukulele introduction lessons and archery sessions at the beach.
Get more details about what’s on at Sentosa here.