Habitat For Humanity Singapore Presents Their First Carnival Fun-Raiser

Habitat for Humanity Singapore Presents Their First Carnival Fun Raiser
Image: Habitat for Humanity
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To commemorate World Habitat Day and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Habitat for Humanity Singapore is having its first-ever 14-day long Carnival Fun-Raiser from 4 to 17 October 2021.

There are a variety of online and in-person workshops or performances for participants to join and enjoy. The money raised will go towards the work by Habitat for Humanity and also towards raising awareness to eliminate poverty housing worldwide.

Activities and workshops at Habitat for Humanity’s Fun-Raiser

Activities and workshops at Habitat for Humanity’s Fun-Raiser

The activities will be happening at various times and platforms. Those who are interested to attend are advised to check the individual event pages to ensure that they get the date, time and location correct.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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Some interesting crafty activities that participants can attend include a resin art workshop, a macrame workshop and illustration workshops by various artists and crafters.

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There are also performances that participants can enjoy such as jam sessions and a Disney medley performance by local musicians.


There is even a fun mobility exercise event for those who want to work a sweat or a Virtual Communication Workshop by emcee Kelly Loh who will share her tips and tricks on how to be a better presenter online.

How to attend workshops and events at Habitat for Humanity’s Fun-Raiser

How to attend workshops and events at Habitat for Humanity’s Fun-Raiser
Image: Habitat for Humanity

To attend any of these workshops, participants can head to the link here and choose the event they wish to attend. There, they can make their donation and also get more details such as the time and place of the event.

For those who are interested to find out more about Habitat for Humanity Singapore, the staff will also be present at the workshop to share more about the work that they do to ensure that everyone has a decent place to live and why that is key to eradicating poverty. Read a little more about Habitat here.

Get the latest updates on the Habitat for Humanity Singapore carnival here.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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