Traditionally known as the ‘Festival of Lights’, Deepavali is a celebration of the triumph of good over evil; light over darkness; and knowledge over ignorance. This Deepavali 2021, Little India is one of the best places to pop by to get a taste of the festive spirit.
Little India Light Up 2021
Watch decorative lights brighten the streets of Little India as you take a walk down Serangoon and Race Course roads to take in the iconic lights and decorations. The light-up start at 7 pm.
The main Light Up motif is located near Campbell Lane and it features the main design with peacocks and the text “Deepavali, Festival Of Lights.”
Peacocks and lamp motifs
Visitors can admire the different designs and motifs used in the lights. One iconic motif this year is the peacock. According to an infographic by the Indian Heritage Centre, peacocks and swans are honoured in Hindu cosmology as vehicle companions and symbols of several gods. They represent beauty, rejuvenation, divinity, wisdom and peace.
There are also various lamp motifs that represent the triumph of light over darkness. This motif is a constant feature used in the Street Light Ups over the years.
Online activities and onsite exhibitions
Although there aren’t any bazaars or onsite performances as there used to be, there are still various online activities and onsite exhibitions that members of the public can participate in to celebrate Deepavali.
The Indian Heritage Centre has a small exhibition that tells visitors “10 things you need to know about Deepavali, the Festival of Lights.” Here, visitors can get the answers to frequently asked questions such as “who celebrates the festival” and insight into the customs, practices and even decorations for this festivity. Read more about it here.
For those who are looking for more interesting events to participate in this Deepavali, see the events organized by the Little India Shopkeepers And Heritage Association at our article here.