The end of the year is a great time to pause, reflect and plan for the upcoming time ahead so that we can truly make the most of the new beginning that comes with each new year.
If you have felt like there were moments in the year that you were stuck back in a routine, here are some questions to reflect on that can help you to be more aware of your actions and to reframe your intentions. This can also be a fun and meaningful activity to do with loved ones as you welcome the new year.
10 Self Reflection Questions For The New Year
What will you remember this year for?
It’s hard to remember every single moment in 365 days, but there are usually very significant events that you will usually associate the year with. Take time to reflect on how those events shaped your current state emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
What was your biggest challenge?
Every year comes with its ups and downs. It is important to take time to process and acknowledge the things and events that have caused us hurt and grief.
What are you most grateful for about this past year?
Gratitude is a fantastic way to reframe any current situation and disconnects us from toxic negative emotions (which are not the same as negative emotions which are healthy for us to acknowledge). Many studies suggest that practicing gratitude also brings physical and mental benefits.
What new qualities or skills did you discover about yourself this past year?
Did you pick up a new skill? Was there a challenge that you overcame that brought out a quality you never knew you had? Is there a behaviour that you observe in yourself that you wish to change or keep? These questions help to keep track of the person you are becoming.
What was your most courageous action this year?
Sometimes we need a reminder to ourselves of the steps of bravery that we took. Did you overcome a fear? Did you finally tackle a goal you’ve been procrastinating? Remember that it doesn’t always have to be anything major. Courage can sometimes be as simple as getting out of bed for a day that you didn’t want to face or starting an uncomfortable but necessary conversation.
What relationship most supported your growth this past year?
Supportive relationships are critical to our well-being. Take time to evaluate the current relationships in your life and take note of the ones that have helped you to grow and become a better version of yourself. These are the relationships you would want to consider investing even more in for the years ahead.
What 3 words best describe this past year?
Take note of the three words that you use. What tone do they carry? Are there any patterns? Is there a resemblance to the words you would use to describe the years before? Are you satisfied to have these words describe the following year?
What are some things you want to bring into the new year?
If you are trying to bring positive change into the new year, one great method is to continue good habits and practices that you realised have served you well. Make a note of these things, be it related to work, family, personal or with the various relationships in your life.
What are some things you want to be more intentional about this new year?
As the famous quote from Fredrich Nietzsche goes, “He who has a ‘Why’ to live can bear almost any ‘How’.” Intentionality affects many facets of our lives. When you know the “why” to your various actions, there is a much higher possibility that you will be able to be more consistent and successful in achieving the goals you might have.
What are some things you hope to see in yourself this upcoming year?
Setting tangible goals and having a vision is a great reflection question to end on. Start by ensuring that these are changes that you can make in yourself and not changes that depend on the behaviour of others or on circumstances that are out of our control.