The unicorn is a well known and loved legendary animal. With its legendary status comes some interesting and legendary jokes. Here’s a compilation of unicorn jokes that you can tell a fellow unicorn lover. There are also jokes about tigers and jokes about dinosaurs.
50+ Unicorn Jokes To Tell Your Friends And Family
1. What do unicorns eat for breakfast?
Lucky charms.
2. What’s the best type of story to tell a runaway unicorn?
A tale of whoa!
3. What do unicorns call their dads?
Pop corn.
4. The other day my friend told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off of my unicorn.
5. What did the unicorn tell the carrot?
U no corn.
6. Why didn’t the unicorn want to join the army?
She didn’t want to wear a uni-form.
7. What do you call a unicorn with no horn?
A horse.
8. What do unicorns use for money?
Corn bread.
9. What do you call a baby unicorn?”
A unikernel
10. Why did the unicorn cross the road?
Because it wanted to see its neighbours.
11. What road do unicorns live on?
Mane street.
12. Why are unicorns such good guitar players?
Because they know all the uni-chords!
13. What do you call a scary unicorn?
A nightmare.
14. Which side of a unicorn has the most hair?
The outside.
15. What would you call a small scoop of ice cream?
A uni-cone!
16. Why didn’t the unicorn want to join the army?
She didn’t want to wear a uni-form.
17. What did the unicorn dress up as for Halloween?
A rhinoceros!
18. Did you hear about the unicorn with a negative attitude?
She always said neigh.
19. Why didn’t the narwhal invite the unicorn to his party?
He wanted to keep it real
20. What do you call a castrated unicorn?
A eunuch-orn
21. How do unicorns get to the park?
On a unicycle.
22. You are riding a unicorn chasing a rainbow tiger and there is a flying lion behind you. What do you do?
Get off the carousel
23. Why did the unicorn cross the road?
To meet his neigh-bours!
24. What card game do unicorns like to play?
25. Which unicorn smells a lot?
The poo-nicorn!
26. What do you call a unicorn with large eyelashes?
27. What do you call a unicorn who got a flu shot?
An immunicorn
28. Where did the unicorn run to after the rainstorm?
Somewhere over the rainbow!
29. What is black and white and eats like a unicorn?
A Zebra!
30. How do you get a unicorn to move out of the road?
Use a uni horn!
31. What do unicorn moms bake on Sunday?
UniCorn muffins
32. Which state do unicorns like most?
33. What is the difference between a unicorn and a carrot?
One is a funny beast, the other is a bunny feast!
34. What is the unicorn’s favourite sport?
Running mare-athons.
35. Why do unicorns like silly jokes?
Because they’re uni-corny.
36. Why did the unicorn run across the road?
It was late for horse-story class.
37. What did the mythical creature serve at his barbecue?
Unicorn on the cob
38. What game should you never play with a unicorn?
39. Where do unicorns live?
In Neigh-bourhoods!
40. What do you call a fancy unicorn?
A glamicorn.
41. Which unicorn has a cold?
The Achoo-nicorn!
42. Do they have unicorns at the zoo?
Yes. They’re just big, grey and called rhinos.
43. What is a unicorns favourite type of story?
A Fairy Tail!
44. What looks like half a unicorn?
The other half!
45. Why did the little unicorn get sent to bed without any dinner?
Because she was horsing around!
46. How do unicorns greet each other?
47. Why can you always trust what a unicorn says?
They’re no bull.
48. What do you call it when a unicorn wakes up for a midnight snack?
Star grazing
49. Where do naughty unicorns go?
50. Why was the unicorn arrested?
She was the mane suspect!
Funny Unicorn One Liners
Here are some interesting one liner unicorn jokes that you can tell.
51. I thought I saw a unicorn but when I turned around it was uni-gone!
52. A unicorn went to a bar and ordered a drink, the bartender said: “why the long face?!”.
53. The other day, I was questioning the state of my sanity…… but the unicorn and the gummy bear told me I was okay.
54. A man in a movie theatre notices what looks like a unicorn sitting next to him. “Are you a unicorn?” asked the man, surprised. “Yes.” “What are you doing at the movies?” The unicorn replied, “Well, I liked the book.”