Following the Chinese Zodiac, the year of 2022 is the year of the Tiger. As we celebrate the festive season starting on 1 February, it is tradition that other than wishing friends and family auspicious Chinese New Year greetings, we can also greet them with wishes related to the zodiac animal of the year. Here are some greetings for year of the Tiger.
Greetings for the Year of the Tiger
1. 虎年吉祥 (hǔ nián jí xiáng)
Meaning: Wishing you good fortune in the Tiger Year.
2. 虎年大吉 (hǔ nián dà jí)
Meaning: Wishing you luck in the Year of the Tiger.
3. 虎年如意 (hǔ nián rú yì)
Meaning: Wishing that things go as planned in the Year of the Tiger.
4. 虎运连年 hǔ yùn lián nián
Meaning: Wishing you the luck of the Tiger year after year.
If you know someone who might be starting on a new endeavour or even a new business, here are some good wishes that you can give them that specifically wish them prosperity and success.
5. 福虎凌云 fú hǔ líng yún
Meaning: May your successes reach the clouds in the Year of the Tiger.
4. 龙腾虎跃 (lóng téng hǔ yuè)
Meaning: Wishing you a prosperous Year of the Tiger!
5. 瑞虎丰年 ruì hǔ fēng nián
Meaning: Wishing you a good harvest in the Year of the Tiger.
Good health is one of the wishes that everyone will appreciate receiving. Here are some tiger themed wishes that relate to having good health and an extra boost of energy.
6. 虎虎生威 (hǔ hǔ shēng wēi)
Meaning: May you prosper with vigour this year.
9. 虎气冲天 (hǔ qì chōng tiān)
Meaning: May you be blessed with the inner energy of a tiger that reaches up to the heavens!