Family Review: Karius And Baktus – A Norwegian Tale Of Two Tooth Trolls

Family Review: Karius And Baktus – A Norwegian Tale Of Two Tooth Trolls
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Want to instil good dental habits in your young children?

Let Karius and Baktus teach them the lesson!

The children’s novel written in 1949 by Thorbjorn Egner is a humorous way to teach the importance of good oral care.

Karius and Baktus, Who?

The well-loved Norwegian story is all about two tooth trolls – Karius (caries) and Baktus (bacteria), who live in a little boy’s mouth. The boy, Jens, loves eating candy and white bread with syrup. However he does not brush his teeth frequently. As the two troll brothers wreak havoc and make homes in the teeth of Jens, they also discourage him from brushing his teeth.

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Fun Antics on Stage

It’s been a while since we have attended a play. It was a welcome experience watching a play in the thick of the pandemic. Children were roaring with laughter and evidently very tickled by Karius’s and Baktus’s antics.

We loved how animated the actors were, showing how greedy they were feasting on sugary treats and pleading for more. The set on stage was excellent as the audience could see how the teeth at first infested with cavities and plague were cleverly cleaned up.

Jens’ mouth came to life with Baktus and Karius battling a giant toothbrush, a giant dental toothpick and other dental “weapons”. It was such a vivid scenario that we could remember for the rest of our lives!

Fun Antics on Stage

Of course, we would all remember the importance of practising good oral hygiene.

Where and When?

Karius and Baktus premiered in Singapore on 9 February  and will continue to run till 13th February. This 45 minute play is suitable for all young children even adults who might forget to brush their teeth sometimes.

Tickets are available here.

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