The Five Magic Beans & Their Adventures: How Two Families Make The Most of Singapore

The Five Magic Beans
Image: The Five Magic Beans
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If you have seen an enthusiastic group of families with young children going around Singapore and the globe in their adventures, you might be looking at The Five Magic Beans. Many might lament that Singapore is a boring city, but The Five Magic Beans beg to differ. The families visit interesting spots every weekend and we must say they are all seasoned adventurers, even the three year old!

Who are these adventure-loving parents? How did they get their children up and about, so used to the outdoors?

We find out in our interview with Five Magic Beans.

Little Day Out’s Interview with The Five Magic Beans

Who are the The Five Magic Beans?

Who are the 5 Magic Beans
Image: The Five Magic Beans

The Five Magic Beans are two families with five little Beans, ranging from ages 3 to 8. We started going on family adventures together and realised that our little Beans bond really well – probably because they find their “missing sibling” on the other family!

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As we started sharing these family adventures, we realised that like-minded parents were looking for similar kid-friendly places/activities for the weekends – away from digital devices and creating family magic together.

That was how The Five Magic Beans started, inspired from our five little ones and our magical weekends.

Tell us how you decide where to go for your fun excursions.

Tell us how you decide where to go for your fun excursions.
Image: The Five Magic Beans

We like fun and fresh experiences so we find a new place/activity to explore every weekend! You will be surprised to discover that our little island actually has a lot to offer – and it is easier than we think to thrill our little Beans. The only thing that sometimes get in the way is our unpredictable weather.

Since the onset of COVID, we started documenting our adventures and if you follow our Social Media platforms, we have been featuring new places on a weekly basis, for more than a year running now!

We love heading outdoors too, how do you encourage your children to head out instead of staying in?

The Five Magic Beans
Image: The Five Magic Beans

Not an issue for us, our little Beans are the ones who drag us out instead!

Top 3 essentials to take along when going outdoors?

There is “outdoors” (like without air-conditioning) and also “outdoors!!!” (like trekking in the jungles). There are actually many places in Singapore for our little Beans to explore short “jungle treks”. These can be found in Bukit Brown, Kay Siang, Seah Im… and many many more!

For all outdoor activities, sun shade, water (lots!) and a cap is recommended; For the great outdoors, slap on those mosquito patches!

Where are the beans’ favourite places to go?

Where are the beans’ favourite places to go?
Image: The Five Magic Beans

Our little Beans aren’t fussy about where to go (or maybe we like to think that way, because they don’t really have a choice!) – they look forward to exciting weekends, and these can range from the touristy Sentosa to jungle exploration like Kay Siang Bunkers, from the historical throwbacks in Singapore Discovery Centre to the world of learning at Science Centre Singapore.

To follow the adventures of The Five Magic Beans, head to their Facebook page here and Instagram page here.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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