Tampines GreenDew Playground: Penguins, Desert Cactus & Climbing Tower Playgrounds

Tampines GreenDew Playground: Penguins, Desert Cactus & Climbing Tower Playgrounds
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Tampines GreenDew playgrounds are based on unusual themes: one is a penguin playground for little kids while another is a desert-themed playground for older ones to their way through cactus-shaped structures. In addition, there is a third playground in the neighbourhood too! 

3 Tampines GreenDew playgrounds

Tampines GreenDew can be found Tampines North Drive 2. It is neighbouring Tampines Green Foliage, where there is a fun, long netted playground

However, the 3 Tampines GreenDew playgrounds can hold their own because they feature some interestingly themed play areas.

Tampines GreenDew Penguin Playground

Penguin Playground

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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The Penguin Playground at Tampines GreenDew, at the base of the Block 647 multi-storey car park, is the only one of its kind that we know of. 

Penguin Playground at Tampines GreenDew

Designed for toddlers, the Penguin Playground features cute black and white penguin figures standing around what seems to be a sea filled with bobbing buoys.

Tampines GreenDew Penguin Playground

A trio of penguins act as a cute photo spot. 

The bright orange buoys hide different play areas for young children. 

There is a low rope bridge strung out between a pair of them. 

Bright orange buoys

A low slide is hidden away in another one of them. 

Kids can even enter one of them to look out at the playscape before them. 

Low obstacle at the toddler playground

Close by, there is also a low obstacle that kids can try to use to get from one platform to another. With a bit of imagination, they could pretend that they are making their way across from one iceberg to another. 

Circular merry go round

There is also a circular ring merry-go-round that young one can hop on to, along with a little see-saw for two.

If you think these penguins are cute, check out this penguin adventure that you can have during the June 2023 school holidays.

Desert Cactus Playground

Desert Cactus Playground

The Penguin Playground is not the only interesting playground at the estate. There is another Tampines GreenDew playground between Blocks 648A and 647A. This one is for older kids. 


At the centre of the Desert Playground is a set of structures, fashioned to look like cacti. These are inter-connected by bridges.


Inside, there are nets, climbing obstacles and a tube slide is connected to the tallest structure. 


Swings are also part of the playground’s equipment, slung out under a cactus-looking like structure. 

Climbing holds at the cactus playground

On one of the cactus structures, instead of spikes, there are handholds that kids can use to climb up for a better view. 


Bouncy trampolines, built into the ground, complete the cactus playground. 

Climbing Tower at Tampines GreenDew Park

Climbing Tower at Tampines GreenDew Park

There is a third playground at Tampines GreenDew Park, in front of the St Andrew’s Nursing Home. 

The main play feature at this playground is a pair of towers that kids can climb up. One of the towers at the Tampines GreenDew Park playground has a grey slide while the other has a rope climbing tunnel.

Climbing Towers at Tampines GreenDew Playground 

The two towers are connected by an undulating netted bridge which has an upper rope to help them balance.

Theatre & Music Cottage

In addition, there is a Theatre & Music Cottage that promotes imaginative play. Inside the cottage, there are different play panels for kids to engage in some fun.

Toddler play tower

Close by, there is also a toddler play tower for children who are still too young to go on to the larger climbing tower.

Swings at Tampines GreenDew Park

Paired with the set of swings at the playground, the tower offers plenty of fun. 

Wobbly Board

Another nice feature that kids will come across at this playground is a wobbly board. Step onto the wobbly board to practise balancing. It is all part of the adventurous fun that awaits at this third Tampines GreenDew playground.

Play with Penguins and at the Desert

The three Tampines GreenDew playgrounds offer different ways for kids of various ages to play and have fun. Together with the playground at Tampines GreenFoliage, these play areas offer plenty of outdoor fun for kids.

If you enjoyed reading about the desert and penguin playgrounds, you may also like the Tampines GreenCourt Playground.

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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