A Garden of Birds, a new community photography exhibition is now open at the CDL Green Gallery, opposite from the Singapore Botanic Gardens Heritage Museum. This is the first ever exhibition dedicated to the birds of the Singapore Botanic Gardens – Singapore’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Singapore Botanic Gardens: A Garden of Birds
The Singapore Botanic Gardens is an important habitat for both resident and migratory birds. Over 180 species of birds have been recorded at the Gardens, almost half of the over 400 species that have been sighted in Singapore.
Many of these sightings were contributed by the local community of bird watchers who have provided sighting information as well as records of the activities of some of the birds and duration that they have spent at the Gardens.
This has proven to be a valuable source of information on the habitats and conditions preferred by birds. The observations have allowed NParks to better decide on their conservation strategies and plans, and better enhance the Singapore Botanic Gardens for both birds and visitors.
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A Garden of Birds Exhibition at CDL Green Gallery
The A Garden of Birds exhibition at Singapore Botanic Gardens is made possible with the support of CDL and features around 160 photographs from 49 photographers that have been selected from more than 830 community submissions.
The exhibition is a curated selection of photographs shared by the community of birding enthusiasts who come to the Gardens to observe, admire, study and research the remarkable diversity of birds found in Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Through photographs and illustrations, the exhibition showcases the vibrant bird diversity of the Gardens, conservation and habitat enhancement efforts, and the role of green spaces like the Gardens to support Singapore’s biodiversity conservation efforts.
Visitors can also learn about the Singapore Botanic Gardens’ extensive history as a favoured birding destination, dating back to 1898, and its relationship with resident and migratory birds.
There are also interactive displays where visitors can learn how to identify the commonly found birds in Singapore and what to do when encountering a bird in distress.
A Garden of Birds is now on till 31 October 2024. Admission is free. Get more details about A Garden of Birds.
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