Connecting with your kids does not take a lot of effort nor energy, it just takes a bit of creativity, some spontaneity and perhaps a giant dose of humour.
If it has been a stressful season lately, why not take the chance to connect with your children especially if they have had rough moments themselves. Upcoming National exams like PSLE, or important assessments, breakdown in relationships, peer pressure can all be factors resulting in more stress and anxiety.
Here are 8 quick ways to connect with your children. The good news is – no prep is required!
8 Quick & Easy Ways to Connect with Your Kids
1. Wink at them for no reason
Give them a wink and give it without reason.
Chances are it will make them giggle or be really curious about why you are winking. That secret wink is a quick special connection moment that takes a mere second. Perhaps it was the second your child really needed for a difficult day in school.
2. Tag your child and yell “You’re It!”
Even adults need to be a child sometimes. Spontaneously tag your child and yell “You’re it!” and run off. Or if there’s nowhere to run, simply hide under the blanket. This is a sure way to get your whole family laughing and a quick mood-lifter.
3. Ask an “If” question
Ask your child an “if” question and pay attention to the response given. Here are some examples:
“If you could be an animal, what would you be?”
“If you could have one superpower, what would it be?”
“If you could go to Mars with one other being, who would it be?”
“If you had a piece of land the size of a football field, what would you build?”
Your child’s response might surprise you and it’s also a way to learn more about your child’s uniqueness. Such light-hearted connections will be beneficial for the parent-child relationship.
4. Doodle on their arm
Kids love doodles – on themselves. Make a quick doodle or write a word like “Awesome”, “Loved”, “Special” on your child. It is going to be a well-loved temporary tattoo.
5. Make a funny face at your child
Funny faces are always guaranteed to make your child smile. Bring it up a notch, and see how many LEGO pieces you can put on your face! Try it, and you will be one expression closer to being a fun, approachable parent that a child wants to connect with.
6. Start a Tickle Contest
This one needs no explanation. Start the tickles now!
7. Tell your child three important words
These words are probably not said enough, so say it loud and clear to your child. I love you!
Sometimes, a parent’s love is not obvious to a child. So tell it like it is, loud and clear and communicate your love for your child. Some words should be said more often than not.
8. First one to blink, loses
Connections can also be in the form of staring. Look into each other’s eyes and start the staring contest. The first one to blink loses and will need to do a funny forfeit!
Have You Connected Well with Your Child Today?
We may get lost in our busyness at times, don’t forget to connect with your child. Give him or her your full attention and fill a love tank, a little at a time.