Blue Moon: The Super Moon Shines Bright On 31 August

Harvest Moon: Interesting Things To Know About The Last Supermoon Of The Year
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Super moons seem to be in abundance this August with two taking place during the month. The second of these super moon is the Blue Moon and it will be visible on 31 August 2023

Earlier in August, the Sturgeon Moon was visible on 1 August at the beginning of the month. To end off the month, the Blue Moon will be visible on 31 August.

A super moon is a phenomenon in which the moon appears larger and brighter than usual because of its orbit pattern around the Earth. 

The Blue Moon on 31 August is the third super moon of the year. At its nearest point, it will be a distance of 357,182 km away from Earth.

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Some Interesting Facts about the Blue Moon

Some Interesting Facts about the Blue Moon

The Blue Moon popularly refers to the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two Full Moons.

This differs from the seasonal definition of a Blue Moon, which is the third Full Moon in an astronomical season with four Full Moons.

It is rare to see two Full Moons within a single month and it happens every two to three years. The last Blue Moon was seen on 31 October 2020.

According to, Blue Moons occur about every two and a half years. According to Scientific American, this will be the last Super Blue Moon until 2037.

How to See the Blue Moon

The Blue Moon will begin rising at 7.34 pm on 31 August 2023, approximately from the East direction.

The Moon may be at an appreciable height for viewing in Singapore from 9 pm onwards.

The Blue Moon will continue rising till it reaches the Meridian (the highest point in the sky that it will reach) at 12.51 am and continue setting towards the Southwest direction.

The Blue Moon will set at 7.03 am on 1 September 2023.

For a better view of the Blue Moon with panoramic views of the city skyline, visit open public areas like the Marina Barrage, East Coast Park and the Southern Ridges.

After this Blue Moon, the next super moon will be the Harvest Moon on 29 September 2023.

Will the Blue Moon be Blue? 

Will the Blue Moon be Blue? 

Sadly, the Blue Moon is not blue in colour.

The term refers to the second Full Moon in a month and does not refer to the colour of the moon.

However, there are instances when the moon has appeared to be blue!

It is very rare for a Blue Moon to appear blue, but there are times when it can appear so due to the water droplets in the air, certain types of clouds, or particles thrown into the atmosphere by natural catastrophes such as volcanic ash and smoke.

For example, in 1883, after the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia, where ash particles in the air scattered red light and acted as a blue filter, resulting in the moon appearing blue.

You can still enjoy Blue Moon in a song version; just watch the video below:

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GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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