A Dragon, Dragon Trees and Other Things to Look Out for at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome

Dragon sculpture
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Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome provides a wonderful way to experience plants, trees and flowers from around the world that grow in a cool-dry climate.

With so much to take in at the cooled conservatory, we share with you 8 of our favourite spots and things to see around Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome.

View from the Highest Point

Flower Field at Flower DomeAfter entering the Flower Dome, make a right turn and head upwards to explore the Succulent Garden and Baobab and Bottle Trees. At the end of the Baobab and Bottle Tree Garden, you will come to a balcony where you can get a sweeping view of the Flower Dome.

Dragon Sculpture

Dragon sculpture, Gardens by the Bay Flower DomeAt the top of the Baobab and Bottle Tree zone, you can also view a cool sculpture of a dragon fashioned out of a tree bark. It looks as if it is about to swoop down to the Flower Field below.

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Largest Tree at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome

Baobab Tree, Gardens by the Bay Flower DomeThis African Baobab weighs in at 32 tons. It was brought over from Senegal and is the largest tree in the Flower Dome. The Baobab tree is also sometimes known as the Upside Down tree.

A Cool Secret

Cooling Pipes at Flower DomeMost greenhouses are designed to keep their interiors warm. The Flower Dome is designed to keep its interior cool. The secret to doing so is not only through air conditioning but chilled water pipes that run through the floor. You can get a peek at this through a porthole at the Baobab Garden.

Kangaroo’s Paw

Kangaroo's Paw, Australian Garden
Kangaroo’s Paw, Australian Garden

This native plant of Southwestern Australia has bright yellow-orange flowers that resemble a kangaroo’s paw. View it at the Australian Garden.

Monkey Puzzle Tree

Monkey Puzzle TreeThis is the national tree of Chile and got its name when someone remarked that climbing it spiny branches would even puzzle a monkey. View it at the South American Garden.

Canary Island Dragon Tree

Dragon TreeThis interesting looking tree with stout branches is also found in the South American Garden. It is the Canary Island Dragon Tree is a member of the asparagus family, although it is unlikely that anyone would want to try eating it.

1000-Year-Old Olive Trees

Olive Grove at Gardens by the Bay
Olive Grove at Gardens by the Bay’s Flower Dome

The olive trees at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome were brought in from Spain where their orchard was about to be redeveloped. They are estimated to be over 1000 years old. This means that they have been around since William the Conqueror invaded England and the Song Dynasty ruled in China.

READ: Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome – 9 Gardens That Take You Around The World

GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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