Family Review: Spin Paint House

Family Review: Spin Paint House
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Hands up if you think you can’t paint! Spin Paint House will prove you wrong. Splat Paint House’s sister brand was just launched recently and we were invited to try the concept. I personally like art and love it for my children to get creative as well. With other spin art spots in town, we were excited to see how different Spin Paint House was.

Spin Paint House – Where Paint Flies and Canvasses Spin

Spin Paint House – Where Paint Flies and Canvasses Spin

Spin Paint House is housed in Khaki Bukit, the studio has plenty of private booths each with its own Spin Art tables that are controlled with a lever and brake! Children get their own spinners as well fixed onto a tyre.

With such a cool set-up we were ready to get dirty. Yes, the paint does fly, so it’s best to wear clothes AND SHOES you do not mind staining.

GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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The Spin Paint Process

The Spin Paint Process

Before we embarked on making our masterpieces, we watched some videos that were played on loop on the screen. These videos can be watched during the session as well to get some inspiration and see the techniques being shown by professional artists.

Then we picked our paints – four tubes of the normal colours and 2 tubes of premium colours like gold, silver, glitter paint, plus other tools needed. Tools wise, we could pick the trapeze, pendulums, brushes, cups for mixing, ice-cream sticks for stirring and water for diluting the paint with.

I let my 7 year old choose the paints since he was going to be the artist today. It was good to let him make the decisions, plan what his artwork on both canvasses and also determine what techniques he was going to use.

Spin Paint House demonstrated the various techniques

After the selection, the staff at Spin Paint House demonstrated the various techniques. This was especially helpful as we could see how the tools are used properly. She also taught us how to spin the wheel and how to activate the brake gently.

Get Ready to Make a Mess…I mean an Artpiece

Get Ready to Make a Mess…I mean an Artpiece

After the “lesson”, it is time to embark on creating your very own masterpiece. While adults can easily reach the spin table, it was quite high for younger ones. Do ask for a stool so that they can use the spin table as well, with supervision.

Since this was one of the few places to make a legitimate mess, anyone can go all out creating their artpiece. I left it largely to my master painter son to create his artpieces. My role was merely to help control the speed of the spinning, do touch-ups, mix paint and be the “technical” assistant.

As the canvas spins, the paint will move accordingly forming elliptical patterns. There are plenty of ways to make patterns whether it’s using the brush, or pouring paint or squeezing paint directly onto the canvas. It encourages one to be bold when experimenting, and that is the whole fun of Spin Paint House.

Family Review of Spin Paint House

Family Review of Spin Paint House

It was a fantastic family bonding time for my child and I as we worked on the canvasses. As I wanted my child to have free rein over his painting, I had to refrain from controlling his colour choices but offered minimal advice in the background or colour family. The decision was to let my child have ownership of his work and so he could determine how the final artpiece would look.

Spin Paint House

The session gave me a glimpse of what my child liked to do. He was deliberate in his choices and also said he wanted to work on the bigger canvas more after reviewing his own work. We both enjoyed the process and outcome. The teamwork resulted in a piece of art we could display proudly.

Families would definitely have a ball of a time at Spin Paint House. The booths were also structured as individual private spaces with short walls. I appreciated the amount of space each of us had and the ingenuity of the spin mechanism which was completely manual. A child could also manage it quite easily.

Spin some Art at Spin Paint House

Spin some Art at Spin Paint House

Join in the fun and let gravity assist you with a masterpiece. For more details visit this site. Spin Paint House is located at 61 Kaki Bukit Place, #04-00.

GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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