Ghosts can be funny and ghost jokes can be even funnier. While ghosts are usually associated with things like haunted houses and graveyards, they are often portrayed with a comical appearance, which makes them funny. If you want to laugh off their behaviour, here are some silly ghost jokes to keep a smile on your face.
Funny Ghost Jokes
1. How did the ghost unlock the door?
Using a spoo-key.
2. Where do ghosts go shopping?
At the boo-tique.
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3. What is a ghost’s least favourite room in a house?
The living room.
4. Why did ghost take the elevator?
To lift his spirits.
5. Why didn’t the ghost go to the ball?
He had no body to go with.
6. What is a ghost’s favorite position in soccer?
7. What’s a pirate ghost’s favorite beverage?
8. What did the ghost teacher say to the class?
Keep your eyes on the board while I go through it again.
9. Where on the street do ghosts live?
At the dead end.
10. Which ghost won the dance competition?
The Boogie Man.
11. What’s a ghost’s favorite tree?
12. Where did the spook go to send a parcel?
The ghost office.
13. Why did the ghost feel embarrassed?
He had a boo-ger.
14. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?
A hoblin goblin.
15. What kind of horses do ghosts ride?
16. Where do ghosts turn to to find astrological readings?
Their horror-scopes.
17. Why did the bartender refuse to get the ghost a drink?
Because they don’t serve spirits after midnight.
18. What did the girl ghost say to the boy ghost?
You are my boo.
19. Why did the ghost drink coffee?
Because it was the moaning.
Silly Ghost Jokes and Puns
One might not expect to find humour in ghosts, but there are actually many ways to enjoy a good ghost joke. For starters, ghosts are often associated with scary places and things, so telling a ghost joke can help lighten the mood in some situations.
20. Why didn’t the ghost eat his lunch?
He didn’t have the stomach for it.
21. What noise do ghosts make when they’re sad?
22. Did you hear about the ghost who got lost in the fog?
He will be mist.
23. How do ghosts stay safe in cars?
By buckling their sheet belts.
24. What did the mother ghost say to the kid ghost?
Don’t spook unless spooken to.
25. Where do ghosts go on holiday?
The Boo-hamas.
26. What is a ghost’s favorite pasta?
27. What do ghosts do during sleepovers?
Tell human stories.
28. Where do baby ghosts go in the daytime while their parents are at work?
29. What is a ghost’s favorite day of the week?
30. What game do ghosts play at parties?
Hide and shriek.
31. Where do ghosts stock up on food?
The ghost-ery store.
32. What’s a ghost’s favorite Shakespeare play?
Romeo and Ghouliet.
33. How do ghosts stay in shape?
They exorcise.
34. Why are ghosts bad liars?
Because you can see right through them.
35. What did the ghost use to wash its hair?
36. What’s a ghost’s favourite fruit?
37. Why did the ghost go to the doctor?
To get a boo-ster shot.
38. What’s a ghost’s favourite type of makeup?
39. What did the ghost order at the saloon?
Have a Laugh with the Best Ghost Jokes
Many people find it amusing to imagine ghosts as being mischievous or silly rather than truly frightening. Finally, some people simply enjoy making fun of things that they find to be superstitious or irrational, and ghosts definitely fall into that category!
40. What do you call a dull ghosts?
41. What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?
I scream.
42. Why did the ghost went to the theater?
To see a phantomime.
43. Who did the ghost take on a date?
His ghoul-friend!
44. Why did the doctor make the ghost wait in the waiting room?
Because he couldn’t see him.
45. What do ghosts use to style their hair?
46. What do ghosts have for breakfast?
Terri-fried eggs.
47. What airlines do English ghosts fly?
British Scareways.
48. What do you call a ghost in a fireplace?
A toasty ghosty.
49. Where did the ghost go for a European vacation?
Have a Laugh with the Ghost Jokes
Whether you’re looking to enjoy a good laugh or just want to spook your friends, we hope that these ghost jokes have done the trick!
50. What happened when the ghost was caught in the rain?
It dampened her spirits.
51. Why do ghosts diet?
To maintain their ghoulish figure.
52. Why do ghosts do during deer season?
They get a haunting license.
53. What do ghost pandas eat?
54. What do you do when a car of ghosts pulls up at your door?
Hope that it’s Halloween.
55. Why did the ghost go to the thrift shop?
He was bargain haunting.
56. Why do demons get along so well with ghosts?
Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend.
57. What happened when the ghost saw the red light?
He came to a dead stop.
58. Why wasn’t the ghost able to unfurl the sails on the ship?
Because he came across a dead knot.
59. What is a ghost’s favorite lake in North America?
Lake Eerie.
60. Why did the ghost argue his point so passionately?
Because he was dead sure he was correct.
Enjoyed these funny ghost jokes? Check out some other monster jokes, zombie jokes, vampire jokes, werewolf jokes and Halloween jokes too.