I SΦ With My Little Eye At The Artground: Fun With Shapes

The Artground
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Tri-annually, a new exhibition awaits little ones at The Artground and at the moment, it is an art exhibition entitled “I SΦ with my Little Eye”. For those of us who don’t speak Greek, Φ is the Greek letter “phi” and the exhibition title is a clever play on the name of the popular children’s game, “I spy with my little eye”.

The Artground, Goodman Arts CentreIf you have yet to visit The Artground, it is a free (yay, free!) and air-conditioned (no wet weather plan required!) play space at Goodman Arts Centre for children under 12 years old.

Fun With Shapes

I Spy With My Little EyeFrom 9 November 2017 to 1 April 2018, the “I SΦ with my Little Eye” exhibition beckons curious children to explore different geometric shapes amongst imaginative art installations. These installations include plastic pipe house structures, beanbags, a metal climber and a spiral plastic pipe cage-like structure.

The “I SΦ with my Little Eye” exhibition is designed by Shahrul Jamili, a mixed media artist who hopes his art will inspire children’s appreciation of design.

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Exploring I SΦ with my Little Eye at The ArtgroundThe exhibition invites children to go on a journey as ‘little spies’ and investigate various 3D play structures around The Ground Floor at The Artground. Through the interactive exhibits, children can experience the transformation of space and shapes as they navigate their way around the play space.

I Spy With My Little Eye, The ArtgroundDon’t be fooled by the seemingly bare free-play premises. The open-ended play options are endless.

Exploring shapesFor young children, “I SΦ with my Little Eye” at The Artground provides ample opportunities to hone gross motor and their social skills too. At the same time, it encourages curiosity and open-ended exploration.

I SΦ with my Little Eye at The Artground

Address: Goodman Arts Centre. 90 Goodman Road. Block J #01-40, Singapore 439053.
Opening Hours: Wednesday to Thursday  9.30 am to 5 pm; Friday to Sunday & selected Public Holidays- 9.30 am to 6 pm. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Admission Charges: Free admission

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Shuling Hu
Shuling is a stay-home mummy to two little girls. She's passionate about dance, arts & crafts and possesses a strange penchant for all things green tea. If you would also like to contribute to Little Day Out, contact us at hello@www.littledayout.com.