Immerse yourself into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen at ANIPLUS Cafe with a dining experience inspired by the characters and story of the popular anime series. There is a specially curated menu, exclusive souvenirs, original merchandise exclusive to ANIPLUS and a range of imported official goods.
Jujutsu Kaisen Pop-up at ANIPLUS Cafe
The ANIPLUS café’s interior has been decked out in a fantasy theme inspired by the characters and story of Jujutsu Kaisen.
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The special Jujutsu Kaisen X ANIPLUS collaboration menu of unique mains includes Yuji’s Cheeseburger ($18.90), Megumi’s Black Curry Rice (16.90) and Maki’s Junk Food Platter ($16.90).
For dessert will you dare to take Sukuna’s Cursed Finger Brownie ($15.90)? If not, go black and white with the Panda is not a Panda Parfait ($14.90).
Premiums & Merch
There will also be premium giveaways. For the first few weeks of the Jujutsu Kaisen pop-up’s opening, ANIPLUS Cafe will be giving fans premiums like a character bookmark and sticker with every $15 spent on the collaboration menu.
Those who purchase Jujutsu Kaisen merchandise will also receive limited edition souveniers with a minimum spend.
For more details, visit the ANIPLUS cafe website.