Learn To Bring Bedtime Stories To Life With Petrina Kow: Playeum’s Kampung Konversations, 28 May

Learn How To Bring Bedtime Stories To Life With Petrina Kow At Playeum's Kampung Konversations
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It takes a village, or, in our local context, a kampung, to raise a child. That’s why Playeum’s Kampung Konversations is an important platform which allows parents and caregivers to come together and have casual “grown-up” time, connecting with others as part of a larger community.

Playeum’s Kampung Konversations

Kampung Konversations by Playeum is held twice a month on Thursdays, 4 pm to 5 pm.

It is an opportunity to pick up ideas from experts and have meaningful conversations with other parents on topics that matter. The free, one-hour sessions touch on a range of topics relevant to parents. Sessions are conducted via Zoom and open to all.

This Thursday, 28 May 2020, the “konversation” will centre around the topic of bedtime stories.

GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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It will be led by storyteller and voice coach Petrina Kow.

Bringing Bedtime Stories to Life

Bringing Bedtime Stories to Life - Join the Kampung Konversations by Playeum

As parents, we are the first ones to introduce stories to our children.

Whether it be simple nursery rhymes such as Humpty Dumpty or readings of perennial favourites like Goodnight Moon, a good story has the power to capture the imagination and open up a world of possibilities.

It is no wonder that children love listening to stories.

And many of us grown-ups love a good story too.

At the upcoming Kampung Konversations on Thursday, 28 May, Petrina will share how parents can spin engaging tales during the nightly parent-child ritual of bedtime stories.

She will be giving tips on how to harness the power of the voice to create interesting characters and story arcs that children can look forward to each night.

Parents can then use these ideas to turn nightly story time into a highly-anticipated part of the bedtime routine. These bedtime stories are opportunities to expand a child’s imagination as well.

Register to Join the Kampung Konversations

Register to Join the Kampung Konversations, Playeum

To join in the free Kampung Konversations taking place this Thursday, 4 pm to 5 pm, register in advance to receive a personal Zoom invitation from Playeum.

Better yet, ask a friend to register together with you and turn it into an online social gathering.

Get more details of Kampung Konversations for Parents: Bringing Bedtime Stories to LIFE and Building Creativity here.

GIVEAWAY: Stand to Win Family Tickets to ZOOOM by Patch Theatre Worth $200

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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