Local Art Studio Artify Comes Up With Some Easy, Fun Hands-On Art Ideas

Local Art Studio Artify Comes Up With Some Easy
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Need some ideas for hands-on activities with the kids that encourage them to use their creativity at the same time? Singapore art studio Artify has come up with some fun and easy ideas that need only three things that you probably already have at home: Paper, Markers and some imagination!

Hands-on Art Ideas at Home

In their mini series of ideas “Cheap Thrills”, Artify has come up with an simple and easy art activity that you can do with your kids of different ages.

Trace hands
Image: Artify

Kids start by tracing the shape of their hand on to a piece of paper and then use their creativity and imagination to transform it into something else.

Artify art ideas - fish
Image: Artify

Some examples were show by Artify on Instagram. It’s amazing how a little imagination can transform the shape of the hands into different animals such as fish, elephants and rabbits!

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Mirrorr Image
Image: Artify

Another idea from the same series that can be done simultaneously with your kid is “mirror image drawing”. Using two pens and one piece of paper, pick an object and try to draw the mirrored half simultaneously! It’s not only fun but a great test of teamwork and communication too.

Artify Art Idea
Image: Artify

Another fun idea lets you use your imagination to transform everyday items into something else. This involves picking a household item and then using your imagination to see it as something else. Some fun ideas included using a chopstick and turning it into train tracks.

Want to do something creative at home with the kids? Keep a look out on Artify Studio’s Instagram page for more art and crafts!

READ: Best Play Activities for Kids at Home


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