Monet Inside: A Look At The Immersive Exhibition About The Life Of The Impressionist Master

Monet Inside: A Look At The Life Of The Impressionist Master
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Monet Inside is for fans of the Impressionist master who are interested to learn more about his life and times. The experience features a multimedia showcase that immerses viewers into a wall-to-floor environment where they are surrounded by the works of Monet that accompany a narration about his life. 

What to Expect at Monet Inside in Singapore

What to Expect at Monet Inside in Singapore

The Monet Inside experience is located on the third floor of the Parkview Square building. 

Upon arrival and showing our QR code, we were ushered into a room that featured various panels where we could read about Claude Monet’s life. This served as an antechamber to the hall where the main experience was held.

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Monet Inside experience in Singapore

The next space was where the main draw of the exhibition took place. It was a large room with seating along one wall where visitors could take a seat to view the multimedia experience.

This multimedia experience is a 45-minute-long presentation about Monet’s life and artworks. It traces his early days and inspirations, as well as key events in his personal life such as his marriage to his wife Camille and tragedy of his wife’s death. His story was presented in six chapters.

Stunning visuals at the Monet Inside experience

The stunning visuals were presented across the hall’s flooring and five grand screens – each over six metres high, surrounding us on all sides with Monet’s iconic works. These included visuals that were animated and brought to life. 

Accompanying the visuals was a narration that told Monet’s story and how he grew in his obsession with light and colours and how he found inspiration in nature. His unique perspective stunned the art establishment of his time and led to the development of the Impressionist art movement.

We personally felt that the voice narration over the sound system could have been clearer. It would have made it easier for us to follow along with the storyline. 


What Else is at Monet Inside

What Else is at Monet Inside

Beyond the hall where the projections take place, there is a photo spot for those who wish to take a picture against a backdrop of Monet’s work. 

A series of paintings also hang on the wall. 

Gift shop

The experience ends at a gift shop where we could purchase Monet-themed merchandise. 


Thoughts on Monet Inside

The Monet Inside experience is probably targeted at those who wish to gain a deeper appreciation about the artist. 

Unlike some of the other immersive experiences features the works of Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo and the Disney animation experience, this one felt like it was for people to take a seat and enjoy the works. It is more like a sit-down experience and isn’t interactive like some of the aforementioned shows.

The projection is 45 minutes long and, if you want to catch all six chapters of it, you should arrive on time.

We would suggest that this is best for those who just wish to appreciate the beauty of Monet’s art as it floats through the screens around them. It is probably not suitable for young children as they may get restless and disrupt the experience of other guests.

Monet Inside in Singapore is now on till April 2025. 

Find out more about the Monet Inside experience.

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