Natasha Faisal, 987FM DeeJay & First-time Mum, Shares Her Top Mum Tips

Natasha Faisal, 987FM DeeJay & First-time Mum, Shares Her Top Mum Tips
Image: Natasha Faisal
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Natasha Faisal, the only 987FM DJ to hop on the parenting bandwagon, has plenty of positivity to share especially for new mums transiting back to work. She is known for her bubbliness and energy on 987FM, hosting the Lunchbox on weekdays 10am to 2pm.

We hear from this spunky mum on how she has been enjoying Baby Luna and her “must-buy” on post-partum recovery.

Interview with 987FM DeeJay Natasha Faisal on being a New Mum

Congratulations on baby Luna! How has everything been since the return to work?

DeeJay Natasha Faisal and Baby Luna
Image: Natasha Faisal

Thank you! My return to work came quite natural and pretty seamless actually. I was worried if I had forgotten how to turn on the mic even haha but the second I got behind the panels again, it came as second nature and felt like I had never left.

Baby Luna has been a dream thankfully, she’s an easy baby to care for and I trust her caregivers so I’m able to have a peace of mind to focus on work. But I got to admit I do find myself always rushing because I can’t wait to go back to her.

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Tell us about your family and the latest not-so-tiny addition.

Interview with 987FM DeeJay Natasha Faisal on being a New Mum
Image: Natasha Faisal

Luna’s my grumpy little sunshine. She has a pretty fierce default face – not sure if it’s a 2020 baby thing haha. So it’s always a treat to catch her smiling or laughing especially for the gram.

I’m the eldest in my little family of 4. I got married at 23, two years ago and I’ve been incredibly blessed to have the most supportive tribe to this day because it sure comes with a set of challenges being a young and married mother.

I wouldn’t have done it without their support and of course having the little moon pie is the joy we are all celebrating at the present moment. It’s crazy how someone so little can bring about the biggest positive impact in our lives.

As a new mum, how did you feel about your baby and has that changed over the past few months?

Natasha Faisal from 9.87FM
Image: Natasha Faisal

She came as a happy surprise as my husband and I initially wanted to wait until we settle in our new place first before adding a little one to the equation but evidently that couldn’t wait!

We were over the moon and there were a lot of happy tears announcing her coming. It’s still pretty surreal today to acknowledge myself as a mother. While I was pregnant, I was so scared of the actual delivery because I don’t have a high tolerance for pain so it was nerve wrecking to say the least.

But everything played out so smoothly I actually enjoyed my delivery from start to finish – is it weird to now say that I want to relive that day over and over? Haha! Epidural was the way to go for me.

Now it has simply been sheer joy and super rewarding to have my baby. I dare say I wish I had done it sooner! I entered this phase with a lot of uncertainty and worry but I’ve learnt to take each day as it comes so long as I’m prepared and stay ready to troubleshoot.

We hope you have been healing well post-partum, any tips on recovery for fellow mums?

Tips on recovery for fellow mums
Image: Natasha Faisal

Trust that the woman’s body is meant to do this. No harm asking about other mommies’ experiences but take it with a pinch of salt because every experience is unique and you’re meant to take your own journey.

Don’t be shy or hesitate to ask for help because having support makes a world of a difference.

If you’re going through vaginal delivery, consider buying a sitz bath tub. It’s going to be your best friend. They’re really affordable on Shopee and Lazada.

What are three essentials in your diaper bag?

What are three essentials in your diaper bag?
Image: Natasha Faisal

Apart from necessities like diapers and formula,

  1. Lots of wet wipes – don’t know how I functioned without them before I had a baby.
  2. A blanket – really multifunctional from keeping baby warm or as a cover up to nurse baby when formula runs out.
  3. Cloths and bibs – Luna’s at a stage where she drools like she’s getting paid for it.

So far, any favourite places to go with baby Luna on a Little Day Out?

favourite places to go with baby Luna on a Little Day Out
Image: Natasha Faisal

It sucks that we’re living in a pandemic now so I try to stay indoors as much as I can considering how vulnerable the little one is. She’s still too young to have a favourite place at the moment but I can tell she’s a curious little soul.

She enjoys being in a moving vehicle be it the car or the bus – her little head will turn from side to side just taking in her surroundings. Seeing that she enjoys bath time, I can imagine her enjoying the pool too so I can’t wait to make swimming a more regular activity.

New Mums – Stay Positive and Rope in Your Tribe

Stay Positive! - Interview with Natasha Faisal
Image: Natasha Faisal

Thank you Natasha for sharing your joy with us!

We know how newborns can be – they overwhelm every area of our lives. Natasha’s positive baby experience is evident of how mums can share the load with others and enjoy their babies in spite of the challenges.

To hear more from Natasha, tune in to 987 lunchtime on weekdays!

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