At Chinese New Year, auspicious greetings are part of the traditions that we keep. Nian Nian You Yu (年年有余), Xue Ye Jing Bu (学业进步) and many others are part of our Chinese New Year lexicon as we meet and wish friends and family all that is good for the new year ahead. Peranakan Chinese New Year greetings are less well known.
One Nyonya, Dawn Lee, has helped to put together a Peranakan Chinese New Year greeting guide to help Babas and Nyonyas surprise their elders when they meet.
This guide was shared by The Peranakan Association Singapore on its Facebook Page.
Peranakan Chinese New Year Greetings
For those who aren’t able to view the post above, here are some of the greetings that were shared.
Selamat Taon Baru: Happy New Year
Manyak Manyak Jereki: May you have abundant fortune
Panjang – Panjang Umor: Wishing you a long life
Badan Boleh Kuat-Kuat: May You have good health
Peng An Peng An: May You have Peace
Panday – Panday Surat: May you have scholarly success.
Ut Hau Mak Bapak: Always respect your parents.
We like that the switch in language not only honours the cultural roots, but it is sure to be a pleasant surprise for the elders too! Peranakans can use the handy guide to send well wishes this Chinese New Year?
For those looking for extra phrases to say this new year, check out the article where we put together a list of 23 Chinese New Year phrases you can wow your relatives with here.