10 Quotes From Fish In A Tree That Remind Us Great Minds Don’t Think Alike

Quotes From Fish In A Tree Which Remind Us Great Minds Don’t Think Alike
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Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s book Fish in a Tree is a story about Ally, a middle school child who learns to rise above her learning difficulties. This inspiring story speaks to children who are different from others and the uplifting influence which teachers and good friends can have on their lives.

The book contains many inspiring words of wisdom which remind us that every person is unique and has different abilities. Just because someone does not fit into a cookie-cutter definition of “normal” does not mean that they not have their own strengths.

Quotes from Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Here are some of our favourite quotes from Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt that remind us that “Great minds don’t think alike.”


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“It’s a good thing to be an out-of-the-box thinker. People like that are world-changers.”

Quote from Fish in a Tree Book

“Yes, it is plain on the outside… but it’s the inside that matters.”


“Your brain just figures things out differently than other people.”



“Everyone is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking that it’s stupid.”

Quote from Fish in a Tree Book

“I want you to consider that no matter how smart you are, success is reached with hard work, too.”


“And looking around the room, I remember thinking that my reading differences were like dragging a concrete block around every day, and how I felt sorry for myself. Now I realize that everyone has their own blocks to drag around. And they all feel heavy.”


“Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.”

Fish in a Tree Book Quote


“Grit. He said it’s being willing to fail but try again – pushing through and sticking with something even if it’s hard.”


“… a coin with a flaw in it is far more valuable than a regular coin.”


“I believe that things we put numbers on are not necessarily the things that count the most. You can’t measure the stuff that makes us human.”

Quote from Fish in a Tree

READ: A Book Review of Fish in a Tree 

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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