75 Funny Spider Jokes To Make Your Head Spin With Laughter

75 Funny Spider Jokes To Spin You Into Laughter
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Spiders are funny and unusual animals. After all, not every creature can claim to have eight legs. That’s why spider jokes can be so fun and a great way to have a laugh. 

Spider jokes and puns make use of the arachnid’s special characteristics. Many of them also play up these fascinating creatures abilities to spin webs. It is such a cool power isn’t it? 

We’ve got spider jokes and puns to tickle your funny bone. These spider jokes for kids and adults are sure to get a good laugh from those who hear them. 

Best Spider Jokes for Kids and Adults 

Best Spider Jokes for Kids and Adults 

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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1. What job did the spider apply for at the internet company?

2.What is a spider’s favorite part of a computer?
The webcam.

3. Why spider parties always packed?
Because they are crawling with fun.

4. What class did the spider take in school?
Web design.

5. What do you call it when you have too many spiders in your house?
A no-fly zone.

6. What did one spider say to the other spider?
Let’s hang out.

7. What did the baby tarantula say to his idol?
I a-spider to be like you.

8. Why do spiders adapt so quickly to online learning?
Because they are very comfortable on the web.

9. Why do spiders like living in haunted houses?
Because the ghosts can’t destroy their webs.

10. Why are spiders like tops?
They’re constantly spinning.

11. What happens when you cross Bambi with a spider?
You get a spi-deer.

12. How do spiders work out?
They go to a spin class.

13. What did the spider say to the fly?
“Pleased to eat you!”

14. Why do spiders spin webs?
Because they can’t knit.

15. What happens when you cross a spider and an ear of corn?

16. Did you hear about the man who could speak very well after being bitten by a black widow?
You could say that he was in-spider-ed.

17. What do you call an undercover tarantula?
A spy-der.

18. Why can’t spiders become pilots?
Because they only know how to tailspin.

19. Where’s the best place to learn about spiders?
On the web.

20. Where do spiders find dates?
On the web.

21. What happens when you cross a potato with a spider?
You get a spuder.

22. Why is Spider-Man so good at comebacks?
Because with great power comes great response-ability.

23. What’s the difference between a spider and a web designer?
A spider loves finding bugs in his web.

24. What do you call a giant Irish spider?
Paddy long legs.

25. Why did the young spider get in trouble with his mom?
Because he was spending too much time on the web!

More Spider Jokes

More Spider Jokes

We do love funny spider jokes, especial those that are absolutely hilarious. We think that you will definitely appreciate these spider jokes below! 

26. Why did the spider borrow a car?
So he could take it out for a spin.

27. Did you hear about the jumping spider?
It was very hoppy.

28. What position do spiders play on a baseball field?
Outfielders. They are good at catching flies.

29. Why did the man return his new pair of spider silk trousers?
Because they looked great, but the fly kept getting stuck.

30. What text emojis do spiders use when they’re happy?

31. What kind of doctors are like spiders?
Spin doctors.

32. Why shouldn’t you go outside when it’s raining spiders?
You could get caught in a tarantula downpour.

33. How can you tell when a spider is angry?
When he goes up the wall.

34. What did the husband arachnid say to his wife?
Spider way, you look ravishing.

35. What do you call a Canadian spider?
An arachnid-eh.

36. How do spiders diagnose their health issues?
By searching up WebMD.

37.Why do spiders make clingy roommates?
They’re arachneedy.

38. Why are spiders good swimmers?
Because they have webbed feet.

39. What do you get when you cross a spider with an eyeball?
A website.

40. What do you call a spider without a web?

41. “What’s good for spider bites?” a person asked the chemist.
The chemist replied, “An angry spider.”

42.Did you hear about the spider love triangle?
It was a tangled web.

43.Did you hear about Spider-Man’s winter jacket made out of Mediterranean flatbread?
It’s a pita parka.

44. Why do spiders make bad drivers?
Because they always spin out!

45. What’s another name for the Spider-Man trilogy?
A web series.

46. What did the procrastinating spider say to the fly?
Catch you later.

47. A man is eating at a restaurant when he notices there’s a spider in his soup. He calls over the waiter and complains.
“I’m deeply sorry, sir,” the waiter replies. “But the fly asked to take the day off!”

48. Which species of spider can jump higher than a building?
All of them. Buildings can’t jump.

49. Did you hear the spider who ate the fly?
He was a real buzz kill.

50. Did you hear about the man who wanted to get a pet spider from the pet shop?
They are all too expensive so he got a cheap one off the web instead.

51. What did the spider wife say to the spider husband when he tried to explain coming home late?
“You’re spinning me a yarn here.”

52. How do spiders communicate?
Using the World Wide Web.

53. What do you call 100 spiders on a tire?
A spinning wheel.

54. What do you call a spider with 20 eyes?
A spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiider.

55. Where can you learn about what spiders eat?
By checking on the web.

Even More Spider Jokes and Puns 

Even More Spider Jokes and Puns 

We’re ready to spin even more funny spider jokes and puns. Are you ready? Let’s weave a whole web of jokes!

56. Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock.
Who’s there? A spider.

57.What do you call a spider that has its left legs on the right side and right legs on the left side?
A daddy wrong legs.

58. What do spiders eat in Paris?
French flies.

59. Why did the fly fly?
Because the spider spy-der.

60. Have you seen the film about an onion that turns into a spider?
It’s called Shallot’s Web.

61. What do spiders like to do in their spare time?
Surf the web.

62. What’s a spider’s favorite pastime?
Fly fishing.

63. Where do spiders play football?
At Webley Stadium!

64.. Why does Spider-Man hate driving with his evil twin?
He’s a bad parallel Parker.

65. What did the IT person say to the officer worker freaking out over a spider on their keyboard?
“Don’t worry; I’ve got it under ctrl.”

66. What do you call a spider that can dance?
A jitterbug.

67. What’s red and creepy but also a little sweet?
Strawberry and tarantula jelly.

68. How tall is a spider?
Eight feet.

69. What did the spider say when he broke his new web?
“Darn it!”

70. When can you see a spider but not kill it?
On its webcast.

71. What does a spider inside your ear do?
Make your head spin!

72. Why did the man go to the zoo with a spider?
Because his wife told him to take it out instead of killing it.

73. What do you call two spiders who just got married?
A pair of newlywebs.

74. What’s the difference between a spider and a web designer?
A spider loves finding bugs in his web.

75. What does the baby spider want to be when it grows up?
A web designer.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed these amazing spider jokes. You may also enjoy these Halloween jokes or these bat jokes. Or if food jokes are more your thing, we also have hilarious pizza jokes and cheesy cheese jokes too.

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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