Tulipmania 2023: Origins Of The Tulip – Türkiye Themes At Gardens By The Bay’s Flower Dome

Tulipmania 2023: Origins of the Tulip – Türkiye Theme At Gardens By The Bay Flower Dome
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This year, Tulipmania 2023, the popular Gardens by the Bay floral display takes on a Türkiye theme for the first time in its history.

Held in collaboration with the Embassy of Türkiye in Singapore, Tulipmania 2023 at the Flower Dome is supported by Bloomberg.

Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip – Exploring Türkiye Roots

Tulips are native to Eastern Türkiye and were first cultivated by the Ottomans.

The tulip is also the Türkiye’s national flower and interwoven into the country’s culture and history.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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The stars of Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip are three varieties of tulips that have been cultivated from native species from Türkiye. 

Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip – Exploring Türkiye Roots

The Tulipa acuminata, also known as the Fire Flame, has long-pointed petals. It is very different from the cup shape normally associated with tulips.

Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip also showcases two other similar varieties – the Tulipa Go Go Red and Tulipa Fly Away.   

In addition to these three varieties, there are 27 others that visitors can also keep an eye out for. These include a variety of Crown Tulips known as Tulipa Red Dress. It is identifiable by its crown-shaped flowers and deep merlot colour. 

Tulipa Claudia
Tulipa Claudia

There are also lily-shaped tulips, like the Tulipa Claudia and Tulipa Flashback, on display.

These tulip varieties are complemented by other more familiar-looking tulips.  

Journey to Türkiye at Tulipmania 2023

The tulips are surrounded by re-creations of some of popular sights from Türkiye at Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip.

Journey to Türkiye at Tulipmania 2023

These include the Galata Tower, one of the oldest towers in the world and an Istanbul icon that was first built as a watch tower during the Byzantine empire.

The interior of the Safranbolu houses decorated like an Ottoman-era home with Turkish mosaic lamps and kilim rugs
The interior of the Safranbolu houses decorated like an Ottoman-era home with Turkish mosaic lamps and kilim rugs

Another re-creation at Tulipmania 2023 are Safranbolu houses. At the Flower Field, visitors can step inside a house and experience what it is like to be inside an Ottomanera home with Turkish mosaic lamps, kilim rugs and windows looking out to a view of tulips.

Library of Celsus, located in Ephesus, an ancient Greek city located in present-day Western Türkiye has also been modelled as part of the display at Tulipmania 2023. 

Hot Air Balloons

Nine hot air balloons evoke the landscape of Cappadocia region with one at the entrance of Flower Dome created so that visitors can sit inside and enjoy a vantage point of the floral display below.

Ebru Paintings

Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip also features a curated exhibition of traditional Turkish art pieces in Flower Dome. These art pieces are on loan from the Turkish embassy and specially shipped from Türkiye.

Senior Minister of State for National Development and Foreign Affairs Sim Ann and the Ambassador of Türkiye to Singapore H.E. Mehmet Burçin Gönenli launched Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip on 21 April 2023.

SCDF officers from the Operation Lionheart contingent who were in Türkiye to aid in international rescue efforts after the earthquake in February were also present at the launch. 

Tulipmania: Origins of the Tulip is on from now till 21 May 2023 at the Flower Dome. Admission charges apply.

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