Wink Murder: A Game Of Observation And Reflex

Wink Murder: A Game Of Observation And Reflex
Image: Julia Larson from Pexels
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A play on the phrase of “giving a deadly wink”, Wink Murder is a fun game to play with a group of people. In this game, a secret “murderer” winks at players to get them eliminated. Players have to catch the murderer before they get everyone in the group! Here’s how to play the game of Wink Murder.

What you need to play Wink Murder

A group of at least five or more people.

How to play Wink Murder

The aim of the game is for players to try to identify who the wink murderer is before they murder everyone. Players will draw lots or have someone who is not playing the game to decide who the “murderer” is.

They will sit in a circle and make eye contact with the different players of the game. The murderer has to make eye contact with a player and wink at them without anyone else noticing.

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If a player sees the wink, they will have to either tell the group that they have been murdered or they can also dramatically act out their death.

The remaining players will have to discuss who they think might have been the killer based on how subtle the killer’s wink was.

Variations of Wink Murder

There are multiple variations of Wink Murder that can be played . The first is for players to make one or two of the players take the role of “cop”. The murderer will have to eliminate all the players but if they accidentally pick a cop to kill, they will be out of the game as cops are not able to be killed.

For players who are unable to wink, variations include players sticking out their tongues or also players walking around and trying to secretly tap other players on the shoulder.

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