As fortune would have it, it’s the time of the year to see family, nosey aunts, funny uncles, long-lost relatives at the annual meet-ups. Thank goodness it is just once a year! Jokes aside, what better way to impress them quite easily by learning 23 auspicious Chinese New Year greetings.
Chinese New Year Greetings
Go beyond the standard greetings like 万事如意,恭喜发财 or because they are so overused. Try these and you might receive an abundance of praises (and extra red packets)!
Instead of Saying “Happy New Year” or 新年快乐
恭贺新禧 gong1 he4 xin1 xi3
A scholarly way of saying “Happy New Year” #higherchinesestudent
和气吉祥全家樂 he2 qi4 ji2 xiang2 quan2 jia1 le4
Wishing a lucky, harmonious, joyous New Year for the whole family
四季平安过旺年 si4 ji4 ping2 an1 guo4 wang4 nian2
A fruitful and peaceful year through all seasons
Chinese New Year Greetings on Good Luck
鼠年大吉 shu3 nian2 da4 ji2
May the Year of the Rat be a lucky one!
吉星高照 ji2 xing1 gao1 zhao4
May your lucky stars hang up high!
吉祥如意 ji2 xiang2 ru2 yi4
A lucky year that goes your way
称心如意 cheng4 xin1 ru2 yi4
Have your wishes fulfilled
Well Wishes on Longevity & Good Health (besides 身体健康)
竹報平安 zhu2 bao4 ping2 an1
May you be blessed with longevity and peace
健康长寿 jian4 kang1 chang2 shou4
Good health and longevity
Well Wishes on Blessings
五福临门 wu3 fu2 lin2 men2
May you have five great blessings (Longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death)
阖家幸福 he2 jia1 xin4 fu2
Blessings upon your family!
心想事成 xin1 xiang3 shi4 cheng2
May all your wishes become reality
CNY Greetings on Studies & Career
一帆风顺 yi4 fan1 feng1 shun4
May everything be smooth-sailing
步步高升 bu1 bu1 gao1 sheng1
May you progress and get promoted
平步青云 ping2 bu4 qing1 yun2
May your progress be meteoric
金榜提名 jin1 bang3 ti2 ming2
May you get ranked top (Especially useful for PSLE students)
学业有成 xue2 ye4 you3 cheng2
Wishing you much academic success
前程似锦 qian2 cheng2 shi4 jin3
Bright future like an embroidered tapestry
CNY Greetings on Peace & Joy
笑口常開 xiao4 kou3 chang2 kai1
Much laughter and joy
岁岁平安 sui1 sui1 ping2 an1
Peace all year round and at every age
Well Wishes on Wealth & Riches
和气生财 he2 qi4 sheng1 cai2
May harmony bring health
財源滾滾 cai2 yuan2 gun3 gun3
May you have an abundance of wealth
财运亨通 cai2 yun4 xiang3 tong1
May the road to wealth be wide open
Now you can rattle off CNY greetings like a Chinese Scholar!
Charm your relatives with sweet greetings from the family, especially the children. For a list of Lou Hei greetings, check out our video here. Who knows? Your greetings might bring good fortune!