Zebra Facts for Kids: Iconic Striped Creatures

Zebra Facts for Kids: Iconic Striped Creatures
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Here are some unique zebra fun facts for kids. Continue to read and you can learn more about what they eat, their stripes, and how they behave.

Fun Facts About Zebras For Kids

Zebra Facts for Kids: Group of Zebras

  1. Every zebra out there has a unique pattern of stripes on the body. You won’t find two zebras who have the same pattern on their bodies.

2. You will only find wild zebras in Africa.

3. Zebras belong to the same family as donkeys and horses.

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4. Zebras show their mood with their ears.

5. Zebras can stand and sleep.

6. Every zebra has an excellent sense of hearing and eyesight.

7. When a predator is chasing, any zebra can run from side to side. 

8. The black and white colored stripes inspired people to name pedestrian crossings and zebra crossings.

9. The average length of the tail of a zebra is around 18 inches.

10. Scientific theories suggest that the unique stripes of zebras relate to camouflage. It helps them to ensure protection from predators by hiding in tall grass.

11. The head of a zebra is called a dazzle or zeal.

12. Zebras and donkeys often mate together. That’s where zeedonks are born.

13. Zebras mate with ponies as well. It can give birth to a zony.

14. When a zebra mates with a horse, a zorse would be born.

15. Imperial zebras are among the rarest zebra species you can find. They are only seen in Kenya.

16. Zebras are often found in Africa. The most common type of zebra that you can find in Africa is plain zebra.

17. You can find six different plain zebra sub-species living out there.


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18. You will only see mountain zebras in the southwestern region of Angola. There are two different sub-species of zebras living there.

19. People call male zebras stallions, whereas female zebras mare.

20. Young zebras are called foals.

21. Zebras can move in four different ways. They can walk, gallop, canter, and trot.

22. An average adult zebra will live up to around 25 years. However, around 50% of zebras die within the very first year, as they become easy targets of predators.

23. A zebra can run at a speed of around 40 miles per hour.

24. When you rank mammals by their maximum running speed, zebras hold the 19th

25. The average body length of a zebra is from 6.5 feet to 8.5 feet.

26. An average zebra weighs around 750 to 800 pounds.

27. Zebras are herbivores. In other words, they only eat grass.

28. You can call a herd of zebras a dazzle or zeal.

29. Zebras are among the most social animals you can find out there. That’s why you will often see zebras living together in herds.

30. Zebras sleep while standing as they can run when they sense a predator.

31. The skin of a zebra is black in color. White-colored stripes are just fur. You can clearly see this when you completely shave a zebra.

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